Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fresh off the vanilla bus

I met a new potential playmate last night. Someone even newer to the lifestyle than I am. Seriously, he just stepped off the Vanilla Bus. He's been on the websites for a few months but has never played, been to a m&g or met anyone in real life. I'm his first (smile).

He's an adorable, earnest scientist who, perhaps, overthinks things too much, which explains why he's taken so long to jump in to the deep end of the swing pool. His profile shows a nice young man with a monstrous cock. Yay!!

We met for drinks at a cozy pub and he asked me a million questions about the lifestyle. What happens at a house party? What's the difference between an on-prem and off-prem party? Why does everyone hate single males? We had a great time, but schedules and circumstances made play out of the question so we made tentative plans to have a more intimate encounter sometime this week.

When he walked me to my car he demonstrated just how green he is by shaking my hand (rolls eyes). Seriously. I was totally prepared to give him a bj in the back seat but his mind was clearly NOT going there and who am I to push? But I did grab him and kiss him and had to coax him to open his mouth. Wow. I thought I was in junior high again.

So I'm wondering how our upcoming play date will go. Am I going to have to give this kid a crash course in Remedial Sex Ed? I SOOO want to get my hands on that juicy cock, but does the absent-minded professor know how to use it?

Details to cummm...

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