Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ninja Update

Last night I got an email from Brandon thanking me for a great time and asking if I wanted to set up a four-way with Violet and Doug, a couple we met at the club. She was an adorable little red head with a tiny, curvy body and Doug was a shaved-headed biker dude with a goatee and pierced ears. I'd love to play with them. But with Brandon.... not so much.

I wanted to reply, "You had a great time because I give AWESOME oral, Mr. Pussy-Phobic!" But I didn't. I applaud my restraint.

What I did say in reply is, "Should we tell Violet about your no-oral-until-the-second-date rule beforehand? Or are you going to make an exception for her?" Perhaps the applause was a bit premature....No reply as yet today. I'll keep you posted.


  1. Hi Primavera, I stopped by here earlier and raced to tell a good friend of mine about your blog. He and his wife are in the lifestyle as you call it. He visited and wished you lived in Corpus Christi. :-)

    Sounds like you have a fun time.


  2. There are cool swingers everywhere!
