Sunday, June 14, 2009

After my less than satisfying playdate with the nervous pussy-phobic (see "Ninja attack" post) I decided to give it another try this weekend. With another guy, it goes without saying. I checked the web to see what was going on and noticed a popular club to which I'd never been was having a party. It was a private club and I needed a member to sponsor me so I checked the guest list.

There was only one person I "knew" (sort of), a guy who I'd been chatting with for a few weeks. He was smart, funny and had good references. And he's a sci-fi geek, like me. He looked like a mild-mannered accountant. So I said, what the hell, and shot him an email.

We met at the club and he was just like his pictures. He wore glasses, a polo shirt, had a conservative haircut and no sign of a tattoo or a piercing. No my usual bad boy biker type. The club was packed with swingers who all knew him by name and greeted him with smiles and hugs. Turns out he'd played with just about everyone in the room because he's been in the lifestyle for more than ten years.

We talked and drank and danced and flirted and ended up in the hot tub. The hot tub can hold about ten people but no one was in it yet when we arrived, although there were three very old men at a table next to the tub watching porn. As we got undressed my shy accountant whipped out a truly massive cock. My jaw nearly hit the floor. NOW I understood why he was so popular! He just winked and gave me a knowing smile.

When we slid in the water and started to make out, two of the old guys stripped down (their wrinkled flab confirming my earlier guess that they were probably in their 60's) and slipped into the water with us. I had never played in an on-prem club with a communal hot tub so I wasn't sure what the rules were. Which is one reason why having a sponsor is a good thing.

I looked at my accountant and had to do a double take. With his glasses off and his hair wet and touseled, he was gorgeous. I was dying to get hold of that giant cock so I slapped a Trojan on it and straddled him. Wow, the accountant sure knew how to fuck!

I was riding his sweet cock when I felt an extra hand rubbing my back. I was getting ready to cum so I just ignored it. My accountant grabbed my hips in both hands and rammed his truly astounding piece of man-flesh into me making me cum like crazy. He wrapped me in his arms and rocked me gently in the water as I came back down to earth.

But the extra hand was still there, sliding down my back toward my ass. I wasn't sure how to feel about this hand. I was unacquainted with its owner, who had not asked permission before touching. But what if he was a friend of my accountant? Or maybe this kind of touching is acceptable in the hot tub? Perhaps the hot tub is a "free for all" zone of which I was not aware? And I didn't want to be rude.

Then he reached my ass and started to stroke us both where our bodies were still joined. My accountant looked at me and raised his eyebrows. The question on his face told me that it was my choice to either allow this man to join us in a threesome, or to ask him to leave. The slightly freaked out, kinda horrified look on my face told him what he wanted to know and he said to the guy, politely, "Thanks, man, but we're ok." The guy backed off. No harm, no foul.

There's a line between being watched by strangers and being touched by strangers. One can be erotic and the other can be creepy. Being a newbie to the club and not wanting to offend a member, I got confused and lost track of the line. I'm very grateful to my sweet accountant for effortlessly extricating me from an uncomfortable situation. And for letting me play with his massive trouser snake all night long :)

1 comment:

  1. I've read some of your posts and noticed that you go to quite a bit of house parties and clubs. Do you mind if I ask what area you're in? I'm in Seattle and have not had luck lately with meeting people we can play with.
